Saturday, October 11, 2008

Nosmokeathon Total: $2,297.50 (DAY 222)

I am happy to report that the Nosmokeathon raised $2,297.50!

Both organizations, PanCAN and ACS, will receive checks totaling $1148.75.

I am putting the envelopes in the mail today. I apologize to those of you who have had checks outstanding for so long.

I just want to thank everyone again for the support. This was an amazing thing and you should feel proud to have been a part of it. I know I am.


1 comment:

Judy Fox said...

This is Matt's mom, probably the most frequent reader of the Nosmokeathon blog. We're so proud of you, Matt!

Like Mark Twain, Matt found it so easy to quit that he did it lots of times. Now he has really done it, completely and I believe forever, thanks to the encouragement and pledges from all of you! Matt is breathing better, and smelling better, too! And, what a wonderful sum of money was raised!

Judy Fox