The American Cancer Society (ACS) is a national organization dedicated to fighting cancer through numerous programs and projects. The mission of the ACS is to "eliminate cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy, and service." For more detailed information about the ACS please visit their website, which not only tells about the organization, but which also gives information and support to patients, survivors, and friends and family who may be affected by cancer. I was even able to find a Guide to Quitting Smoking that had some great information for me.
On the website you can also read about the great programs and activities the ACS puts on to raise money and awareness. One of these programs is Relay For Life. Relay For Life is an overnight walkathon that takes place at schools and parks all across the country. Relay is a team event and the goal is to have at least one member of each team walking the entire night. The purpose of Relay is to remember and honor those who have lost their lives to cancer, to support people currently afflicted, and to raise money and awareness in hopes that one day we can overcome cancer once and for all. The Relay started out with one man trying to make a difference. Today over 3 million Americans take part in events all across the country each year! This just goes to show us that one person really can make a huge difference.
I was fortunate to be able to participate in Relay For Life a few years ago at the University of Delaware. It was a great event and really fun. I was on a team with a bunch of my friends which made the whole thing even better. Throughout the night there are different themed laps which add another fun element. There is also a special luminaria ceremony during the night to remember the people that have lost their lives to cancer. In all, Relay For Life is a special event and it makes you feel good to be part of something like that. If you are interested in participating in Relay For Life, the ACS website will help you find one that is in your area and let you know how to get involved.
The American Cancer Soceity
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